Thursday, February 11, 2010

ZFW, router's Self-zone

 Although the router offers a default-allow policy between all zones and the self zone, if a policy is configured from any zone to the self zone, and no policy is configured from self to the router’s user-configurable interface-connected zones, all router-originated traffic encounters the connected-zone to self-zone policy on its return the router and is blocked. Thus, router-originated traffic must be inspected to allow its return to the self zone.
Note: Cisco IOS Software always uses the IP address associated with an interface “nearest” destination hosts for traffic such as syslog, tftp, telnet, and other control-plane services, and subjects this traffic to self-zone firewall policy. However, if a service defines a specific interface as the source-interface using commands that include, but not limited to logging source-interface [type number], ip tftp source-interface [type number], and ip telnet source-interface [type number], the traffic is subjected to the zone-to-zone firewall policy for the source interface’s zone and the security zone of the destination host. If a service is configured to use an interface that is assigned to a specific security zone, self-zone policy does not apply to that service’s traffic.
Note: Some services (particularly routers’ voice-over-IP services) use ephemeral or non-configurable interfaces that cannot be assigned to security zones. These services might not function properly if their traffic cannot be associated with a configured security zone. If the service is configured to use one of the configurable physical or virtual interfaces on the device, the traffic should be handled by security zone policy relevant to that interface.

Self-Zone Policy Limitations

Self-zone policy has limited functionality as compared to the policies available for transit-traffic zone-pairs: 
  • As was the case with classical stateful inspection, router-generated traffic is limited to TCP, UDP, ICMP, and complex-protocol inspection for H.323.
  • Application Inspection is not available for self-zone policies.
  • Session and rate limiting cannot be configured on self-zone policies. 
Not the best example, but...:
class-map type inspect match-any self—service-cmap
 match protocol tcp
 match protocol udp
 match protocol icmp
 match protocol h323
class-map type inspect match-all to-self-cmap
 match class-map self—service-cmap
 match access-group 120
class-map type inspect match-all from-self-cmap
 match class-map self—service-cmap
class-map type inspect match-all tftp-in-cmap
 match access-group 121
class-map type inspect match-all tftp-out-cmap
 match access-group 122
policy-map type inspect to-self-pmap
 class type inspect to-self-cmap
 class type inspect tftp-in-cmap
policy-map type inspect from-self-pmap
 class type inspect from-self-cmap
 class type inspect tftp-out-cmap
zone security private
zone security internet
zone-pair security priv-self source private destination self
 service-policy type inspect to-self-pmap
zone-pair security net-self source internet destination self
 service-policy type inspect to-self-pmap
zone-pair security self-priv source self destination private 
 service-policy type inspect from-self-pmap
zone-pair security self-net source self destination internet
 service-policy type inspect from-self-pmap

interface FastEthernet 0/0
 ip address
 zone-member security internet
interface FastEthernet 0/1
 ip address
 zone-member security private
access-list 120 permit icmp any
access-list 120 permit icmp any host echo
access-list 120 deny icmp any any
access-list 120 permit tcp host eq www
access-list 120 permit tcp any any eq 443
access-list 120 permit tcp any any eq 22
access-list 120 permit udp any host eq snmp
access-list 121 permit udp host host 
access-list 122 permit udp host host
Unfortunately, the self-zone policy does not offer the capability to inspect TFTP transfers. Thus, the firewall must pass all traffic to and from the TFTP server if TFTP must pass through the firewall.

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